First Time Filing for Social Security Disability? Here’s What You Need to Know!

First Time Filing for Social Security Disability? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Filing for Social Security Disability can be confusing, intimidating and even a bit embarrassing.  The terminology and process can confuse anyone.  Knisley Law Offices wants you to know some of the basics you’ll need to file for SSDI. Knowing these basics will help take some of the stress out of the process, as well as, make sure you understand what the Social Security Administration needs to complete your case.

What does it mean to be ‘disabled’ for Social Security?

Social Security won’t necessarily take your doctor’s word for it that you’re disabled, or that you are no longer able to work at your job.  Social Security has its own three-part definition of disability:

  • The claimant is disabled: that you are not capable of substantial gainful activity.
  • The disability meets duration requirements: that you’re unable to work for at least 12 months.
  • The claimant has reached insured status: you had to have worked for 5 of the last 10 years in covered employment that paid into the Social Security system.

How long does it take to get a decision?

The Social Security Administration says it takes about 3 to 5 months to get a decision.  How quickly you get your medical records sent to the government and how quickly your caregivers respond to requests will have the biggest impact on the length of time it takes for a decision to be made.

What happens if I’m denied on my initial claim?

Social Security Administration statistics say only 26 to 37 percent of initial claims were awarded benefits over the past 10 years.  However, another 13 percent were eventually awarded disability payments on appeal. So if your initial claim is denied, there is still hope.  A reconsideration request and appeals hearing can be requested and having an expert at your side will only increase your chances of being awarded.

You’ve worked too hard to pay into the system to not get the disability benefits you deserve because of embarrassment or confusion over the process.  If you need questions answered about the initial application process – and definitely if your initial claim has been denied – contact us today to discuss your case.  We will help you understand your rights and take the correct steps forward in the appeals process.